
To ensure food security, rural development and contribute to increased employment real incomes, and foreign exchanges through programmes that will promote the enabling environment for the entrepreneurial drive of farmers, fisher folks, forest users and other stake holders while ensuring the efficient utilisation and sustainability of natural resources.

Strategic Priorities 2017

  1. Stimulate private sector investment in the agricultural sector and encourage public-private partnership.
  2. Modernize, increase productivity, efficiency and competitiveness in the agricultural sector.
  3. Increase export market access for diversified agricultural produce.
  4. Improve the legislative and institutional framework to foster commercialization of the agricultural sector.
  5. Encourage the facilitation of agricultural credit.
  6. Create an effective policy formation mechanism and improve the policy framework for agricultural development.
  7. Promote the sustainable use of land, forestry and marine resources.
  8. Further develop the fisheries sector.
  9. Facilitate the commercialization of the livestock sector.
  10. Expand agro-processing.
  11. Increase youth involvement in agriculture, especially through agricultural training and access to land.

Main Programmes/Departments/Divisions/Units

1.  Policy, Planning and Administrative Support Services  

  • General Administration
  • Agricultural Planning Unit
  • Communications Unit
  • Soufriere Monitoring Unit

2. Agriculture

(a)  Administration (Technical)

(i) Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
(ii) Research and Development
(iii) Animal Health and Production Services
(iv) Banana Services Unit

3. Forestry Services  

4. Fisheries Services

5.  Rural Transformation


(784) 456-1410
(784) 456-1111
ext. no.
office.agriculture@mail.gov.vc, agricomsvg@gmail.com
