Over forty livestock farmers will graduate today after completing a one-year training program at the Farmers Field School (FFS).

The farmers, all producers of small ruminants (sheep and goats) were involved in the Farmers Field School from June 2013.

The FFS is an initiative of the FAO used as a means of building farmers’ capacity, knowledge and skills base in making critical decisions in the management of their farms.

It is an agricultural extension methodology that is used in the transfer of technology in the quest to increase production and productivity on farm.

According to Dr. Kathian Hackshaw, Chief Veterinary Officer, the school adopted a set agenda of farm improvement modules which included areas such as Nutrition and feeding; Reproduction; Animal Husbandry and Farm Management.

During the one year program, the Farmers focused on topics such as:

  1. Improvement in the feeding systems, establishment and maintenance of pasture and forage banks
  2. Improved livestock management systems and management skills
  3. Improved productivity of the animals
  4. Production of quality meat and value added products such as cheese, milk and leather
  5. Improved slaughtering techniques and hygiene.

The staff of the Animal Health and Production Division, assisted by some of the participating farmers, coordinated and conducted the learning sessions.

The closing ceremony and graduation will be held at the Methodist Church Hall from nine this morning.

There will be addresses by the Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar, FAO Representative, Dr. Cedric Lazarus and other officials of the Ministry of Agriculture.


Source: NBC Radio

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